The second series of Ace Attorney which was release on android. Ace Attorney is a famous Visual Novel game with quality stories in it. One thing that distinguishes this game with other visual novel game is an exciting mystery side with spices the comedy that adorn each scenenya. In this game, some cut-scene is important in the present in the anime short that look cool.
One thing is for sure in this game compared with Apollo Justice is the duration of the game a very long time. If Apollo can I solve the first case less than one hour, in this game even 1.5 hours of any I have yet to complete the first case, hehee. The other thing that became more value from this game in other visual novel's appeal is character models that are already in the 3D form, which makes the characters become more refined with a motion animation that seemed alive.
The story of early in this game made very attractive with a very coolanimated opening. At the beginning of this scene we will see seconds seconds an explosion Chamber proceedings. Then an event cinematik apollo in the middle of the former blast as well as the return of the legend of Phoenix Wright. In this early scene is also present new characters. A beautiful, smart girl named Athena Cykes. From this scenewe will know if she is a girl who is very excited, but very sloppy.
TESTING Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime
MODE Offline
Attention!!! Game not compitible android with CPU Intel.
REQUIRED: Android OS 4.4 And Up
"Karakter yang berwarna"
"Konten tambahan yang berlimpah"
AA Dual Destinies v1.00.01
apk -> Download <- 5.2mb
obb -> download <- 530.7mb
- Download
- Extrak file "zip" nya dengan winrar/zip (kalo tidak punya pc, teman-teman bisa memakai aplikasi android dengan memasangnya dari >>> Play Store <<< atau instal file apknya dengan >>> Zarchiever Pro <<< )
- Instal gamenya (cukup klik file "apk" di file manager.)
- Taruh data di Internal/ android/ obb/ di sini guys (kalau belum ada "BUAT" foldernya manual)
- Selamat memainkan gamenya guys......
Anna Haromah
July 31, 2017
New Google SEO
Bandung, Indonesia